Microsoft Teams
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Steps to onboard Emanate Security Platform on MSTeams
In order to onboard Emanate Security Platform (ESP) on MSTeams, you need to create an Azure BOT. Once a BOT is created in your Azure account, you need to configure it and share the BOT details with ESP onboarding team.
1. Navigate to Azure portal
2. Select Create a resource
3. Search for Azure bot
4. Click Create
5. Create a BOT with following details:
a. Bot Handle -> provide any unique name
b. Subscription -> choose your Azure subscription, or let the default option be as-is
c. Resource Group -> create new (optional) or choose any existing resource group
d. Data Residency -> any option as per your company policy
e. Microsoft App Id
Type of App -> Single Tenant
Creation Type -> Create new Microsoft App ID
f. Review and Create
1. Navigate to the BOT page (this can be done by going to the dashboard/home page and it will be the first entry under the Recent section)
2. Navigate to the Configuration option
3. Enter the Messaging endpoint as
4. Scroll to the section of Microsoft App ID and click on Manage Password link
a. This will open a new window to manage the certificates and secrets
b. Click on New Client Secret
c. Choose the expiry as 24 months (preferably)
d. Copy the Value and paste it in a secure place (this will be required by the ESP Onboarding team). If you navigate out of this screen without copying the value, you will no longer be able to retrieve it and will have to create a new one.
5. Navigate back to the Configurations page
6. Click Apply to save the settings
7. Navigate to the Channels Page
8. Click Microsoft Teams under the Available Channels
9. Agree to the Terms of Service and click Apply to add this MSTeams as a channel for this BOT
1. Navigate to the BOT resource page
2. Share the following IDs
a. Microsoft App ID
b. App Tenant ID
c. Secret Value (created in the previous step)
1. Navigate to the MSTeams admin portal (
2. Navigate to Teams apps -> Manage apps page
3. Click on Upload new app
4. The ESP Onboarding team will provide you with a zip package to upload. This zip package contains:
a. a JSON manifest file that will contain the information about the BOT
b. The ESP logo to show as the BOT icon
5. Once the app has been uploaded successfully, navigate to Teams apps -> Setup policies
6. Choose Global (Org-wide default) option
7. Scroll to the Installed Apps section
8. Select Add apps
9. Search for the Emanate Security Bot and add it
10. Click Save to install the app for all the users in your organization.
Note - The Emanate Security Platform BOT will be installed for all the users in your organization. But this app will not be active unless the configurations are synced on the Emanate side.
Also, these changes take about 24 hours (and in many cases, a restart of the MSTeams Desktop app)
Please contact with any questions.