Account Setup
Company Information: The Emanate Security Platform (ESP) leverages templated employee communications. The communications always include important context. To support readability and good user experience, they often include your company name, a picture of your security team leader, and contact information for the IT/Security team. Please work with your Emanate Security point of contact to configure this company information in ESP.
Adding Administrators: Administrators are given access to the Analytics and Reporting console to allow for quick and simple report driven investigations as well as risk & compliance reports. Please work with your Emanate Security point of contact to select & enable access to the reporting console.
Alert Routing: All Administrative alerts are currently delivered in the form of email. These email alerts can be configured to go to a general inbox, point to a service management destination, or be delivered directly to a specific administrative employee's inbox. Please work with your Emanate Security point of contact to configure the appropriate destination for these Administrative alerts.
User Notification Branding: All employee emails delivered from the ESP leverage Emanate Security company branding as a standard. However, they can be updated to include your company logo (in the email header) and your company's primary and secondary colors. Primary color will be used for the header and footer, while secondary color will be used for any hyperlinks or buttons in the email content. Colors must be provided as a HEX color code. Please work with your Emanate Security point of contact to configure these settings in your account.
Last updated