User Self-Registration
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The Emanate Security Platform (ESP) supports a User Self-Registration process. This process enables a hands-free company-wide rollout of the service. The purpose of this Self-Registration process is three-fold:
Introduce Employees to the Emanate Security Chat Bot
Allow Employees to select Communication Preferences
Collect additional User-Specific Context Data
The User Self-Registration process is initiated using the primary chat communication channel that you have configured in ESP. This process should be enabled after completion of your initial testing period.
This process includes the following steps:
User Self-Registration can be initiated on a per-user or company-wide basis. Please work with your Emanate Security point of contact to initiate registration according to the stage of your rollout.
Once the company wide registration has been enabled, all existing users in your organization will receive the full registration workflow. You will have the opportunity to select a 'Final Date' for completion, which will be factored into the scheduling options that employees receive during the initial notification period.
A report will be made available that identifies any users who have not completed their registration to ensure manual follow-up steps can be taken wherever necessary.
Once the User Self-Registration process has been completed for your existing employees, ESP will continually monitor for new employees who have been added to your user directory. These new employees will be given a grace period of two weeks prior to being automatically enrolled in the User Self-Registration workflow.
Any employees who do not complete their registration prior to the end of your configured registration time window, will be added to a non-compliant users report for which a periodic Administrator notification will be delivered.
Introductory Email & Scheduling of Registration Session.
Automated Initiation of Registration Session & Reminders for abandoned sessions.
User Notifications enabled on completion - Rollout Complete.